Book Review: Be The People

  Carol M. Swain is a wonderfully, educated, godly woman and I felt blessed to have read this book by her on how to get involved and join the effort to reclaim America! "The moral decline continues because we haven't quite reached the hearts and minds of the majority of Americans who consider themselves Christians yet know very little about biblical teaching, the history of our nation, and its founding documents". We shouldn't be disheartened by the sad state of affairs in our nation. She shows us that we can find inspiration in the life of Caleb..."by praying to see the promise and riches of our land and to share a vision for what can be and what should be, rather than be discouraged by seeming obstacles in our pathway". We should have a vision for our land. With effort and a plan of action, we can help restore America to its former glory.

  She clearly defines the issues facing our country and offers solid reasoning for why our country has come to this point and good ideas on how to fix it. Our government was designed to be "of the people, by the people and for the people". We need to stand and "Be the People".  She included in the Appendix of this book, 'The Ten Commandments', 'The Declaration of Independence' and 'The Bill of Rights'. These all reveal the power to take back our country! I recommend the reading of this book by all Americans who know we need to reclaim America!!

Disclaimer: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.


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