Review: Let Go: Live Free of the Burdens All Women Know by Sheila Walsh

I am a member of Thomas Nelson’s Book Review Blogger program and had the chance to review this book titled: 'let go' by Sheila Walsh.

This book is about how we can live free in a burdened world. We need to lay down our burdens, find rest and live in peace and it's what we all should desire. This book, 'let go' helps you to walk in freedom, the freedom we have in Christ. Sometimes freeing ourselves means that we have to let go of those chains of unforgiveness and forgive others in order to set ourselves free.

I believe that this book was interesting! Every page keeps you captivated and it's easy to read. I like how in the beginning of every chapter Sheila has quotes and Scriptures. It's great as an opening to every Chapter and for memorization. I did notice however that a quote or two were repeats and a grammatical error here and there. Sheila's book has enlightened and inspired me to look ahead and let go of the past. She will challenge you! In the end of every chapter, she has a section titled: 'deliverance discovered' where you ask yourself these set of questions. Below that, is a prayer of deliverance. Overall, I believe that Sheila has conveyed Biblical truth successfully. I would recommend this to others especially new Believers that are just starting out in their walk with the Lord. This book is for anyone wanting to have the freedom in Christ that they're meant to have!



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