Review: Faith & Lettering Journal

This is the final art journal to review by Ellie Claire Gifts and I saved the best for last! This was my favorite one! The Faith & Lettering Journal is a beauty! I love the cover for starters. It feels nice to hold, there are a few embellishments and the gold foil on the cover is so pretty. It also has a place on the spine to hold your pen or pencil.

This one in particular helped me to take the time to meditate on the Scripture I was working on. I am not that creative of a person but knowing that my God is the Creator as mentioned in the book.."there is creativity in your DNA that you cannot deny." I like that because this will help me grow in my faith. 

I love that there are Scriptures on a full page. They are so pretty! I love reading them! There are sections that say: 'begin here' and they have the Scripture done for you. Then, the next column says: 'trace' and you trace it. Then, the next one says,'your turn'. After that, there are 3 more columns that say, 'practice, practice, practice'! You can make it your own! There are also pages where you are learning to practice writing letters with different fonts. Some are blank pages-that are great spaces for journaling. I love learning how to do flourishes and banners! There is also a page with other objects on it to learn how to draw them. 

I adore this journal and recommend it for helping to grow in your walk with God! If you would like to purchase one for yourself or a gift, visit the links below:

Barnes & Noble: 

I was contacted by FlyBy Promotions to write this review. All 3 Journals were given to me by Ellie Claire Gifts to review for my readers. All opinions are our own.


Marge said…
Thanks so much for this review! I've been looking for some unique Christmas gifts this year and this is just perfect!!!
Doreen said…
You are so welcome Marge!! They make for amazing gifts!

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