Review: Loved + Blessed October box

This is my review for the October: 'Loved + Blessed subscription box. I always enjoy the anticipation for the delivery of my Loved + Blessed box every month!

Love the color chosen for this's a beautiful shade of sky blue! The theme for this month is, 'Speaking Life.' Here's the keepsake theme card on 'speaking life'. We can choose to speak words of love to ourselves and towards others. We need to build people up, not tear them down. 

We received a BONUS Scripture card this month! Here's what the front of them: 

Love the positive, strong words on this card!

Here's the back of one of the cards on our THOUGHTS"Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV

On this card, it's about our SPEECH. Also, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:20 NIV 

Here's the mini poster this month that says: "Don't believe everything you think." I love this so much. It may very well be my favorite poster from Loved + Blessed as of yet! It just means so much to be reminded that we are valued and most of all, by our Heavenly Father. Nobody values us more than He does. This poster is wonderful to put right where I can see it everyday and have this reminder when I need it. Especially, that no matter what anybody says, God treasures me!

This a journal that we got! Not only do I love the color for this month but I really needed something to write in, Perfect! I like that it's small enough to fit into my handbag and it matches it too! :)

This is the sticker 'Think before you speak'. I put mine on the inside of my 'Speak Life' journal. :)

I worked on the Charles Stanley Bible study and wrote my answers in it! 

I love this box and look forward to telling you about it every month. You can purchase one at the Loved + Blessed website. Boxes start at $10.00 a month, going month to month. They also have a 3, 6 and 12 month subscription plan. Christmas is near and this would make a great gift subscription!

Disclosure: I received this product for review. My opinions are 100% honest and my own.


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