Review: Love and Blessed box 'Strength' for the month of May

I received my May Loved + Blessed box which is a subscription box that sends christian encouragement out to others. Below, we have the contents of the box which I'm excited to get into! 

As I look at the information card, I see that our theme for this month is STRENGTHHere is our encouragement that is on the inside of the Love + Blessed box. I love that these themes speak to our lives. They are meant to give us encouragement, the motivation to keep going when things get tough. We serve a wonderful Heavenly Father who loves us so much and wants the very best for His children.

We have a mini poster which says, "Broken Crayons Still Color". I love these because each poster is really special and they give much to ponder. 

Also, there is an anchor sticker which says, "The Anchor Holds in Spite of the Storm." I remember this song many years ago.

 During the time of Roman persecution, the anchor was an ancient key Christian symbol in identifying themselves. Jesus is the Anchor that holds our lives together when we're in troubled waters.

We have a red Scripture card that has anchors all over it and when you turn it over, it has 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 on it. It reads, " We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned, struck down, but not destroyed." I am really loving these cards and having them in my wallet for encouragement! Great verse of Scripture for strength. Under the Scripture, it says where it can be located in the Bible but, it is hard to see in red what it says. If it was in white, like the Scripture itself, we could definitely see it better. Love this verse!

Now, onto what's in the white box! It contains a gold anchor bracelet and on the card below, on the back of it, it has instructions on how to wear it. 

I did have some trouble figuring out how to wear this, but managed!

 Here I am wearing it on my wrist! I like it and I could wear this several different ways. :)

Get your Love + Blessed box for $10 a month/plus free shipping! Send some boxes out to your friends and family to enjoy! They'll be so blessed and encouraged to press on! Part of the proceeds for every box that they ship, they donate to help the homeless! Like
Love + Blessed's Facebook page. Be blessed and encouraged all!!

Disclosure: I received a free product for a review. My pictures are my own and my review is 100% honest. 


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