Book Review: "Untamed" by Lisa Harper

I have to say that I was excited to receive a copy of "Untamed" by Lisa Harper. It has 211 pages, consisting of 12 chapters. At the beginning of every chapter, it will state "Our Savior is....". I love how it says for example, "Our Savior is Wildly Compelling" and then underneath of it, it will have a quote. Under this one, it's by Charles Spurgeon and says: "His character enchants, subdues, overwhelms--and with the irresistible impluse of its own sacred attraction it draws your spirit right up to Him." Wow! It will also have sniplets throughout the chapters --The Wild Ways of God-- such as: "The fact that Jesus chose exactly twelve disciples is likely a New Testament nod to the twelve tribes and twelve patriarchs of ancient Israel." At the end of every chapter, there's a section that will say: "We need an untamed Savior because....only a wildly compelling Jesus frees our hearts to race toward Him when He calls." I love this and they're different for each section. Underneath that, it'll have --Living and Loving with Abandon-- and will have questions that you can answer either by yourself or with a Bible study group. This is a wonderful book that I cherish.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free for review from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


About a Mom said…
Sounds like a good book! Thanks for stopping by. Returning the follow!

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