"Eat Your Peas Faithfully" by Cheryl Karpen

Thank you Booksneeze for providing me the opportunity to review a free copy of this book!

"Eat Your Peas Faithfully" is a small, yet lovely, simplistic, whimsical book. With Scriptures and encouragement writing throughout, it's really a joyful, refreshing read. There's nothing difficult about it, which is wonderful. :) It can be read in 10 minutes or less. I love the feel of the ripple like pages. It would make a wonderful gift for those that are going through triumph and trouble.
Thank you Booksneeze.com for allowing me to review this book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Booksneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. Thenions I have expressed are my own.


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