Review: Ryken's Bible handbook

I signed up to review books for Tyndale House Publishers and the first book that I chose to review was 'Ryken's Bible handbook'. This book is a wonderful guide to reading and studying the Bible. There's a fact sheet for every book of the Bible, outlines, overviews, key verses, a 'did you know'? area and perspectives of each book of the Bible with quotes. Also, there's a one year Bible reading plan, an index of articles and maps as well. This Bible handbook is loaded and I love it! Leland Ryken's distinctive trait is a literary approach to the Bible—understanding the Bible as literature. The three authors help shed light on understanding the Bible as the inspired Word of God and as literature by looking at the Bible's different literary genres: poetry, narrative, wisdom literature, story, parables, and more. I enjoy having Ryken's Bible handbook nearby me when I'm reading the Bible for that little extra insight into the Word! This should be in every Bible student's library as a tool in accordance with the Bible.
Disclaimer: Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.
Disclaimer: Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book.