Book Review: Christianity in Crisis: The 21st Century by Hank Hanegraaff

I signed up with Thomas Nelson: Book Review Bloggers and wanted to review this book! Christianity in Crisis: 21st Century exposes darkness to light, pointing us back to a Christianity centered in Christ. The Apostle Paul said: "Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth". I love this book it speaks truth and I give it 5 stars! Hank Hanegraaff does an amazing job of exposing the Word of Faith/Prosperity Preachers: Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, John Hagee, Benny Hinn, etc. They are preaching a 'gospel' but really it's no gospel. (Galatians 1) So much research has gone into this book and everything is backed up by Scripture. When I've seen quotes in this book from certain Preachers, I KNOW what the Word of God says and what this Preacher is saying just isn't right. We have to be like the Bereans and search the Scriptures daily and make sure what others are saying is indeed the Word of God! If you aren't familiar with Hank Hanegraaff, he's great revealing the truth that you may not want to believe that one of your favorite Preachers is saying. So, I highly recommend that any believers and non believers alike check out this book and be awakened to the truth!



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